Confused Matthew

Sailing on a Budget: How to Get Started

Sailing is a breathtaking experience that everyone should experience, but unfortunately, most people think it’s far too expensive for anyone but the richest of people to enjoy. That’s not true.

Even if you’re an average person living just slightly better than paycheck-to-paycheck, you can afford to go sailing. You just have to downsize a bit.

Don’t believe us? Here is everything you need to get on the water, and while you may have to save up for a short bit, most people can eventually afford to do this.

Let’s get started.

1: Dinghy Sailing Kit

First, you need to buy a dinghy sailing kit.

A dinghy sailing kit is a DIY kit that lets you build a dinghy. Don’t worry, the kits are super easy to assemble, and the vessel you get is more than capable of doing some advanced sailing. Sure, they’re small, but you won’t mind a bit when you and your partner get out on the water for a relaxing evening.

These kits aren’t exactly cheap, but they are cheap enough that the average person can save for them within a year or two without having to sacrifice much of anything.

You also don’t have many strict upkeep requirements. Some places require them to be registered, especially if you use a motor, but you won’t keep the dinghy on the water and require marina fees, and the boats are typically plastic and require minimal upkeep.

2: Sailing Clothes

Next, you’ll want some sailing clothes. Since dinghies are smaller and more capable of tossing you overboard, you definitely want some fast-drying clothes. If you use your dinghy on cooler days, you’ll also want to invest in a proper sailing jacket that will reflect water and keep you warm. For sunny days, sunglasses are a must. You’ll be on a smaller boat, and you’ll be susceptible to big waves generated by motor boats. Getting blinded by the sun can get you in a bad predicament.

Finally, try to get some non-slip shoes that are good for swimming. This will help prevent you from getting thrown off the deck, and if you do, you won’t have your swimming skills impaired by awkward shoes such as tennis shoes or boots.

3: Safety Gear

Finally, you’ll want to have some basic safety equipment on board. You’re not a boat that has a lot of electronics or fire hazards, but there are still things that can happen.

First, we recommend personal floatation devices for everyone on board. A dinghy can only really carry two or three people comfortably. So, that’s not a big deal.

One major safety item you need is a repair kit. If your boat springs a leak, you can plug it up quickly, patch your sail, replace or remove Bronze Screws or other marine fasteners, and more with an onboard repair kit.

Lastly, keep a small first aid kit in your dinghy’s storage compartment. While injuries aren’t common, you never know when you could find yourself in an accident, and accidents on a boat can be very traumatic and life-threatening. For example, if you or another member of the crew suffers from a significant wound that is bleeding, a well-packed kit, as well as having the necessary knowledge to determine if a bleeding emergency is life threatening can help you to get the individual cared for and to safety as soon as possible.

You will appreciate having a simple first aid kit available when you develop a minor illness or even just get spiked by a fish’s fins.

By following all of the tips outlined above, you will be able to enjoy a successful boating trip on a budget.

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